Friday, January 11, 2008

My first haxe project

Today I started work on my first haxe project (first after "hello world", that is). It is (will be) a website which will show all the events in the town I live in at any given time.

Working in haxe (the neko part) seems to be surprisingly straightforward. Although it didn't simplify the work needed a lot more than php does, for instance, haxe has more appeal to me; it appears lightweight, while php seems heavy. It kept me up until this hour and I'm eager to learn more.

However appealing though, I will refrain from using haxe for the javascript part. I have come to this decision after quite a heated debate with myself. The reasons:

  • First, it's a pretty small project, at least at the beginning. We want to get it out as soon as possible and then build features on it as it grows.
  • Second, although haxe itself is easy to use, it only offers the basic functionality as javascript is concerned. It cannot be compared to a javascript framework such as prototype or extjs. I don't expect that from it either - it's not meant to be such a library (yet, I hope). I also thought about integrating haxe for js and one of these frameworks, but it's too complicated for what I need right now. Maybe in the future.
  • Third, I want to learn extjs :)
I want to have a word with the author of hxBlog, maybe I can learn some things quicker and skip some trial and error iterations :) After having studied the source code that is (it's there, on the website, in case you're interested).

1 comment:

Kieran said...

Hi Mihai,

My name is Kieran Bresnan. ( )

I work at Massive Interactive. We are currently hiring for some Flash/HaXe developers. I had a look at your linkedin profile and you have the exact experience we require. If you are interested in seeking a new job. Please get in touch.
