If you're into education and you're tired of reading articles, blog posts, quotes, snips and snippets, here's a book to quench your curiosity - 'The Underground History Of American Education', by John Taylor Gatto.
After a career in the middle of the system, Gatto is now an open opponent of education as we know it (and have felt it). He is quick to peek behind the scenes and point out the 'real' interests of such a system.
Of course, after twelve years in public schooling, seeing an ex insider (both as a student and as a teacher) mess it all up like that is savourous beyond words. He touches on many things I had myself felt were wrong, but just though it was the way it was supposed to be and let it rest (and looking at things trough Gattoish eyes, I was helped into [not] thinking that).
However, two of his essays [1], [2] (although I enjoyed them) made me a bit wary - some of his language seems to verge on paranoia and conspiracy theory. They're valuable nonetheless; just read them carefully and critically.
Anyway, I plan to read the book too in the near future. If you have already done it, please let me know of what you thought of it.
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