Sunday, April 20, 2008

Funny quotes

I thought I'd share some nice quotes I keep saving online (using the eSnips toolbar).

  • It's OK for you to make noise. Otherwise, we feel like we are fucking a ninja (Craigslist)
  • Cel mai necinstit lucru, in viatza, este modul in care aceasta se termina. Adica viatza e grea si-tzi ocupa tot timpul. Ce capetzi la sfarshitul ei? O moarte. Asta ce-i, un bonus??? Eu cred ca ciclul vietzii e de-a-ndaratelea. Ar trebui intai sa mori, apoi sa mergi intr-un azil de batrani. Esti dat afara de acolo pe motiv ca esti prea sanatos, te duci, iti iei pensia, apoi, cand incepi sa lucrezi, primeshti un ceas de aur in prima zi de lucru. Munceshti patruzeci de ani pana devii suficient de tanar. Te apuci de baut, mergi la show-uri, si esti gata pentru liceu, apoi scoala primara, devii copil, te joci, n-ai responsabilitatzi, devii bebelush, apoi itzi petreci ultimapoi itzi petreci ultimele noua luni plutind cu toate facilitatzile dupa care termini totul printr-un orgasm (mass mess)
  • Of course, if they have time machines in the future they'll probably have a separate reference manual just for Cambridge. This has always been a fussy place, a town of i dotters and t crossers, where you're liable to get both your grammar and your ideas corrected in the same conversation. (Paul Graham - What you Can't Say)
  • I've seen occasional articles about how to manage programmers. Really there should be two articles: one about what to do if you are yourself a programmer, and one about what to do if you're not. And the second could probably be condensed into two words: give up. (Paul Graham - Great Hackers)

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